Ofsted report published!

It is with great pleasure that we share with you our Ofsted report from our inspection which happened on the 6th and 7th March 2018.

As a school we are thrilled with our report!

We believe that it is a true reflection of everything that we do at Dovedale and are particularly pleased that our children’s personal development , behaviour and welfare was judged to be ‘outstanding.’

We know that all the children at Dovedale make good or better progress and our EYFS department was quite rightly judged as giving our children an ‘outstanding’ start to their education.

The areas for development are ones which we are currently developing and we are making excellent progress to further enhance our writing across the whole school. Within our school we have leaders at many levels, Senior Leadership team – Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teachers and Assistant Head Teachers. We have Year Group Leaders who work across their year group and also subject leaders who work to develop the skills of each subject across the school. All of these staff work together with our whole staff team to develop the curriculum and assessment, this is an ongoing process and is progressing well.

We would like to thank our children, staff, governors and you as parents and carers for your ongoing support; it is greatly appreciated.

The report will be available on the school website and also on the Ofsted website within 5 working days. If you would like a paper copy of the report please ask the school office.

As a school we are going from strength to strength and are so pleased that this was recognised by Ofsted.

‘Imagine, Believe, Achieve’.


Mr David Bedford      Mr Nik Smith

Chair of Governors   Head Teacher

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