Weekly Y4 blog 21.09.18

Date: 21st Sep 2018 @ 9:12am

In our English lessons we have continued studying ‘The Borrowers’ this week. We pretended we were estate agents and had to persuade little people to buy the house!  We also hot-seated the main character Arrietty after watching the trailer for the movie ‘The Secret World of Arietty.’ In our Friday write, we created a diary entry in the first person, as if we were Arrietty.

Maths has involved lots rounding this week! We have been rounding 2 and 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We have also continued to practise our times tables in our daily counting sessions. The children should also now be confident with odd and even numbers!

In Science we thought about how sound travels through the air. We looked at the vocabulary for this topic and learned all about vibrations. Our Art lesson linked with this as we were inspired by different songs to create pieces of Art, just like Kandinsky did! Have a look at our Twitter feed to see some of our fabulous work! @DovedaleY4

Have a lovely weekend – YEAR 4 TEAM. smiley



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