Weekly Y3 Blog 29.3.19

Date: 29th Mar 2019 @ 12:28pm

This week in Year 3, we have been working extremely hard and enjoying the following activities:

  • Maths:

- Ordering the months of the year

- How many days are in each month?

- A range of problems around how many hours are in a day

  • English – We have continued our recount topic and have written a recount from the perspective of a young boy who has come into contact with a UFO for the first time.
  • Geography – Using instructions and compass points to navigate
  • Science – Light Investigation– Do shadows change over the course of a day?
  • Music, Computing and French
  • P.E.
  • R.E – The Easter Story


Next is our D.T Cooking Week. We shall be evaluating, designing and making our own bread and pizza.

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