School Council

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What is the School Council?

The School Council is a group of children elected by their classmates who represent their views and make a positive contribution towards school life.  Our representatives meet regularly to discuss issues about school and any matters their class would like to raise; this is facilitated by holding a 'School Council Surgery' for all children.  They plan and carry out fundraising activities and events and then present back to their own classes the outcomes of these and any updates on school business. 


Meet the School Council


Phoebee Gorman
Theo Sloan
Francesca Homan
Alice Devlin


Caleb Talbot
Amelia Carpenter
Louis Ball


Matilda Blakemoore
Ariane Foxcroft
Henry Hewson
Sofiia Lushpa


Luna Lyons
Albert Jones
Stanley Allen
Bobbi Knowles

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              School Councillors in Year 3 and Year 4


What qualities does a School Council Representative need?

A School Council rep needs to be:

  • Organised
  • Caring and Considerate
  • Hardworking
  • A good listener
  • Communicates ideas and opinions clearly
  • Responsible
  • Commited
  • Willing to give up some of their break and lunchtimes to prepare for events

All our school councillors will be democratically elected by the other children in their class.

Any child in the class iss able to put themselves forward for election. Each child then has to produce a manifesto and present to their peers why they should be elected, based on their qualities and their pledges. 

School Council Work

Children in Need

School Council helped to raise over £1,200 for Children in Need with a series of activiites they decided upon, including a daily bear-pees challenge for every class to have a go at, and a wear-something-spotty-or-yellow for Pudsey day. Here are out councillors decorating the cakes for every child in the school - the smarties made lovely spots!

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School Council meet the Lord Mayor

We would like to thank our local councillor, Richard Kemp, for coming to meet with the school council. We learned lots about Mr Kemp's time in politics, the skills he has learned, how he deals with consitituents and serves both the community and the city. We were thrilled that he took our letter about Forest School to committee and had got the job done! We were also able to ask him questions about finance, becoming Lord Mayor next May and upcoming plans for the local area. He was impressed by our council and invited us for a tour of the Town Hall and Chambers - yes please!

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Letter to local councillor

Our school council are trying to support the development of a forestry school on our field - but there is just one problem. The plans by the eco team and the money raised by the PTA will be of no use until the collapsed wall at the far end is fixed! We took our council over to investigate the problem and come up with ideas on how to resolve this issue. Unfortunately, the broken wall can only be fixed by the city council and they appear to be quite busy at the moment. Our own council have worked together to write a persuasive letter to our local councillor in order to help raise the profile of this case. We're quite impressed by their persuasive writing skills!

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Anti-Bullying Assembly

After coming up with our new definition of bullying, and then exploring in more detail the Protected Characterisitcs in Mr Smith's assembly, we decided it would be a good idea to organise an assembly on bullying and racism. Council thought a visitor would be good - so we got in touch with loca football team, LFC! Bill Bygroves, former youth team player and coach for Liverpool and Everton, came in and did two lovely assemblies for the juniors. By the end, all children were able to talk openly about why we should 'Ban the bully' and 'Rule out racism'. Something else that we took away from the assembly was the brilliant notion that, 'more important than being a good footballer, is being a good person'. Thank you Bill for a brilliant assembly. The children loved it, and they each received a signed team photograph and had their photo taken with the European Cup!


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What is Bullying?

The team have been hard at work to come up with a defitinion of bullying that is simple enough for all children to understand. The council were brilliant with their understanding of bullying, and even said that it doesn't really happen at our school. We agreed that we want to keep it that way, so added the box in the top corner!

The Council have signed the definition and the poster will go up around the school once it has been shared in next week's assemblies.


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School Council Surgery meeting


We now meet to share ideas from the school that have been filtered by the council by priority: safety first, then all other ideas. Here is the team giving the voice of the children and some of the actions from it...

Buddy Bus Stop - we have passed this to Wellbeing who are going to have more presence at playtimes for buddies
Clubs - particularly a comic cub, which we are going to discuss with Mr Reppion for the Spring 2 term
Lunch Queues - a better system to prevent hot dinner children 
Year 3 trips - missed out during Covid. Speaking to teachers about maybe going to Safari Park for their science unit of learning

Lots for us to be getting on with!


School Council Surgery

School Council are launching a new way to hear to voices of their school community. Our councillors have made boxes for classroom and a rota for playtimes so they can take ideas from students about how they feel our school could be even better. We want to know how safe children feel, how happy they are with their equipment, what they like and what they would like to make our school a better place.

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School Governor Safety Walk 

Our School Council took one of our School Governors on a child viewed tour of the school, and relayed their perspective of the school from a point of view of safety, comfort and happiness. The tour was very useful, and children provided some great insight into areas they are more familiar with than the adults.

On the whole, children find our school safe and are thankful for all we have, especially the football pitches and the canteen food.

Areas we will be looking into are:

Creating a one-way system for the monkey bars on the adventure playground
Checking toilet doors are all safe and locks in order
Making sure the PE store is locked with a coded padlock to keep equipment safe and in order

Children in Need Fundraising event

Our councillors ran a brilliant campaign for Children in Need, with their heartfelt assemblies and their fundraising day - bring a teddy and pyjamas for kids day. We raised a staggering £1113.57! We think families went the extra mile on this one because we really got the message home that there are children much less fortunate that ourselves. Well done, School Councillors! 


Children in Need Assembly November 14th

Our School Council led a fantastic assembly, discussing the impact of fundrasing for Children in Need, and inspiring us all to donate this coming Friday.
Very proud of their confident performance and look forward to the big day!

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Year 3 and 4 School Council delivering their Children in Need Assembly


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