Child Protection and Safeguarding

Our school is committed to the health, wellbeing and safety of all our children, parents/carers and staff.

We have a robust Child Protection Policy in place which is available below or a paper copy can be requested from the school office.

Safeguarding Officers:

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mr Nik Smith Head Teacher                                                                               

Deputy Safeguarding Officers - Mrs Joanne Jones Deputy Head Teacher   

                                                      Mrs Issy Rogers Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion

                                                      Mr Matthew O'Toole Assisant Head Teacher 

                                                      Mrs Holly Dwan Assistant Head Teacher 

                                                      Mrs Dee Newby Assistant Head Teacher                                                   

Safeguarding / Child Protection Governor - Mrs Sarah Finnegan 


If you need support you can click the following links: 


Report online abuse or online issues to CEOP                                              

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As part of Dovedale Primary School's commitment to safeguarding and child protection we fully support the government's Prevent Duty Guidance.

What is Prevent ?

The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The objectives of Prevent are to:


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