Year 6 Weekly Blog 23.05.19

Date: 23rd May 2019 @ 2:38pm

In our final week of this penultimate half term for the year (and indeed Year 6's time at Dovedale), we have had a wonderful atmosphere in the classes as children have been progressing through their Geography and Science curriculum topics.

In science, children have been classifying animals based on their different characteristics, using the Linnaean Model of classification. We studied taxonomy and tried our very best to classify a platypus - which proved difficult because it seemed to land in a number of classes. We now know the difficulty that taxonomists have had in these areas for hundreds of years.

Children have also created wonderful Year Books in D&T, using split pins, sliding doors and pop-ups. Our highly creative children have included quizzes, interviews with teachers, mini-books telling the story of their first day at Dovedale, the history of the school, famous faces, exerts of their best work, class photgraphs and most-likely-to awards. They look amazing! 


have a great half term holiday, year 6. you've earned it!

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