Year 6 Weekly Blog 1.2.19

Date: 3rd Feb 2019 @ 4:45pm

Following a successful introductory week to plays, year 6 read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and, by Friday, were ready to write their own newspaper report for the Verona Times, documenting the circumstances surrounding the tragic deaths of the young Montague and Capulet, and the fateful events that lead to their sad end. 

Next week, we look forward to more love, revenge, cunning schemes and tragic deaths in Shakespeare’s Hamlett.

In maths, we revised all things fractions this week: fractions of amounts, multiplying and dividing fractions, comparing and converting. We looked at multi-step word problems and reasoning tasks on Wednesday and angles in shapes and missing angles on Thursday.  

For science, we investigated the intensity of light and how we can control it by making light boxes with view holes and sliding doors to moderate the amount of light into the box. Children built a scene in the box with different objects. The conclusion - we definitely need light to see objects, but not much light at all when our eyes are given a chance to adjust.

In history, we began to look at the life of the infamous highwayman Dick Turpin and discovered some interesting evidences supporting - and sometimes contradicting - the popular view of this historical figure. Next week we will analyse in detail different historical sources and compare and contrast to see if the accounts are divergent in detail or contradictory.

The Year 6 team


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