Year 6 blog 1.3.19

Date: 3rd Mar 2019 @ 6:21pm

Year 6 began a new topic in poetry this week, Finding a Voice.

We began by analysing the poem, 19th floor. Children generated discussion, vocabulary and thoughtful responses to the theme of poverty from a child’s perspective. Then we looked at the subject of the poem, a young girl, her life -living in difficult circumstances and how school would be for her. By Friday, children were ready to write a school report from the Headteacher’s perspective. Great writing.

Next week, we look at the life of a Syrian refugee in Britain.

In maths, we have been studying algebra and challenging ourselves with different tasks involving missing numbers, how letters relate to numbers and formula, and practising problems involving both. We continue to practise arithmetic on Mondays and daily challenge 5, and we also do a ten minute test to practise reasoning skills each morning. On Thursday we launched an investigation in diameter, radius and finding the circumference of circles using a formula.

In science, we began a new topic, Evolution, and looked at how fossils provide evidence into how animals might have changed over millions of years. We produced fascinating discussion from our superbly intelligent year 6s and we’re looking forward to learning more in this topic.

In history, we were investigating Tudor crimes and punishment. We looked at case studies, decided what the crime was and assigned the ‘appropriate’ Tudor punishment to the person on trial. We were surprised to see punishments like the drunkards cloak and ducking stool in action long after the Magna Carta was drawn up.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, year 6s were treated to a Shakespeare workshop for Macbeth by @ascreatives company, who walked children back through the story in such a creative way, allowing children to express themselves theatrically, playing the roles of the main characters, learning about the key scenes and how they were played centuries ago. We had a fantastic time and thank As Creatives for extending our topic on plays so well.

The year 6 team

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