Year 4 Weekly Blog - 20.9.19

Date: 20th Sep 2019 @ 8:08am

This week in Year 4, we have been working extremely hard and enjoying the following activities:

  • Maths  - We have continued our work on place value and focused on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and finding 1000 more and 1000 less than a number.
  • English – We shall continue our work on The Lost Happy Endings and focus on the fantastic vocabulary in the book and look at using a range of synonyms.
  • Science – Electricity  - To construct a simple circuit identifying and naming its basic parts and to identify whether or not a lamp will light
  • Spelling – Adding the prefix im
  • Music, Computing and French
  • P.E.


Next week, we shall be enjoying the following activities:

  • Maths  - We will continue our work on place value and focus on placing numbers on a number line to 1000 and 10,000. We shall also start negative numbers.
  • English – We shall continue our work on The Lost Happy Endings and focus on using speech between two characters.
  • Science – Electricity  - To construct a simple circuit with a switch and a buzzer
  • Spelling – Words ending in zhuh spelt -sure
  • Music, Computing and French
  • P.E.

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