Year 4 Weekly Blog - 18.9.19

Date: 21st Oct 2019 @ 1:14pm

This week in Year 4, we have been working extremely hard and enjoying the following activities:

  • Maths – We focused on column addition which involves carrying using the formal written method to help us solve a range of challenging problems.
  • English – We continued our work on The Whale by Ethan Murrow and Vita Murrow. We started the week by reading the book and looking at the story which is told through pictures. We then showed children a description based on one of the pictures and examined how the author uses a range of techniques to create impact/tension. 
  • Science – Electricity  - To identify conductor and insulators
  • Black History Week – We have focused on the importance of the Trinidad Carnival and how this represents freedom
  • Spelling – The prefix auto
  • Music, Computing and French
  • P.E.


Next week, we shall be enjoying the following activities:

  • Maths – Next week, we shall focus on column subtraction which involves carrying using the formal written method to help us solve a range of challenging problems.
  • English – We shall continue our work on The Whale by Ethan Murrow and Vita Murrow. We shall start planning our own setting description based on one of the pictures in the text. We shall focus on using a range of features which create impact/tension.
  • Science – Electricity - What have you learnt? Team Quiz
  • Spelling – The suffix ly
  • Music, Computing and French
  • P.E.

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