Weekly Y4 blog 07.12.18

Date: 7th Dec 2018 @ 12:42pm

This week in our Maths lessons we have been learning how to multiply 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers by 10 and 100! 

Here is a great website to use at home to practise further: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=MovingDigitCards (The website works better on Internet Explorer rather than Chrome.)

In our English lessons we have carried on with our 'Explanations' topic and the children have been doing lots of writing. How does Santa get down the chimney? What does Santa get up to on Christmas Eve? The children have done a fantastic job of explaining the answers to these questions! Have a look on our Twitter for updates... @DovedaleY4

In our Science lessons, we have been distinguishing 'Living Things.' We now know the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates and we have been studying the five main types of vertebrates: Amphibians, Mammals, Reptiles, Fish and Birds. The children each made their own informative, colourful bookmarks on their favourite kind of vertebrate. In our Geography lessons we have continued working on our Atlas skills. The children came up with so many interesting facts about different continents of the world for their homework last week, well done! 


Next week it is our D.T week. We will be making a product that has a wheel mechanism. The children will be looking at existing products to explore before they design their own. If you have any pop up books at home it would be great if they could be brought in so we have a bigger variety to explore. 

Have a lovely weekend. 





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