Weekly Y1 Blog11th October 2019

Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 1:31pm

We have had another fantastic week in Year 1.

This week we have been:

Maths –  We explored the part whole method to solve addition problems.

English -  We have introduced our new text. We have focussed on predicting our text.

History - We explored radio and tv clips from the 1950s and compared to modern day. 

Next week we will be:

Maths –  Addition using the part whole method

English -  Using the conjunction 'because'

History –  We are exploring what games children played together in the 1950s. 

‘How does the meaning of happiness change as you get older?’

Homework this week - Children have weekly spellings and assigned Mathletics homework. Check the login details in their reading diaries. 

Please continue logging on to Oxford Reading Buddy. 

Have a lovely weekend!

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