Weekly Y1 Blog 17th January 2020

Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 8:14pm

This week we have been:

Maths - Place value - partitioning numbers into tens and ones

English – Listened to music and used pictures to infer moods and feelings.

Geography - We went on a local area walk and used our map skills to help us. 

RE- We looked at the story of Zacchaeus and discussed how easy it was for Jesus to be friends with him.

Next week: 

Maths - Exploring more and less (focussing on what digit changes)

English –  Sequencing and recounting a story

Geography - Exploring England and locating cities around England. 

RE- The story of Zacchaeus

ICT - Creating and following a algorithm

Please continue logging on to Oxford Reading Buddy. 

We are on week 2 for spellings!

Have a lovely weekend!

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