Weekly Y4 blog 28.09.18

Date: 29th Sep 2018 @ 5:05pm

Wow, a month in already! 

This week in Maths we have been ordering and comparing numbers up to and beyond 1000 - tricky stuff! We have also continued to work on our times tables and our basic skills. Our mental arithmetic is constantly getting better! 

We imagined we were the Pevensie children in our English lessons this week as we stumbled upon the mysterious wardrobe that leads to the magical world of Narnia! Some of the children’s descriptive writing has been amazing and all books have been a pleasure to mark! Well done Year 4. 

Videos of our exciting Science lessons can be found on our twitter feed as we acted out particles and choreographed a demonstration of how air particles enable us to hear sounds! Our classrooms turned into the Tate gallery in Art this week and we had a special abstract Art exhibition, giving feedback on various pieces of Kandinsky style art. Prizes will be given out next week to the children who produced the best comments! In History, we are still learning all about the Ancient Greeks and we compared two cities... Sparta and Athens. The children especially enjoyed learning about the rules in Sparta at the time! In PE we continued with our invasion games and we were able to complete our PE lessons on the playground thanks to the lovely weather we’ve had this week!

A special thank you to those children who came in on Saturday  to help out with our open morning! 


Enjoy the rest of your weekend and don’t forget to practise your Harvest songs! 




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